Cystoscopy with Anesthesia Instructions

Prior to Procedure

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If you develop symptoms of fever, cold, or sore throat before your treatments, please notify your physician.

Fasting will be required the night prior to and the morning of the procedure if you are having anesthesia.

Please follow the instructions that are given to you by the anesthesiologist.

Call your medical physician’s office and make an appointment with him or her to obtain the necessary clearance for anesthesia, if this is required.

Cardiac and high blood pressure medication as well as antibiotics should be taken with a sip of water the day of the procedure.

Do not ingest any alcohol for 24 hours before your treatment.

Make arrangements for a family member or friend to accompany you while you’re here, and to drive you home. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO DRIVE. YOUR RIDE MUST WAIT IN THE WAITING ROOM

Day of Procedure

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The morning of your treatment, DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING. DO NOT CHEW GUM OR CANDY.

Please do not bring money or valuables with you. Wear lose-fitting clothing (i.e. no tight jeans).

Please report on time on the date and time given to you. If you arrive late, your appointment may be rescheduled.

For most procedures, plan to stay approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Please do not bring more than two (2) people with you.

Post Procedure Instructions

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Limited activity is required for a minimum of 48 hours after procedure, and possibly longer.

If you have any questions regarding these instructions, or develop any unexpected complications after the procedure, please notify your physician.

