Botox Therapy for Urinary Incontinence is treat by the Urology Division as well as the Women’s Center for Continence and Sexual Health at Premier Medical Group.
What is Botox Therapy for Urinary Incontinence?
Botox therapy for urinary incontinence is a treatment option for those who have not responded to more common forms of treatment for urinary incontinence. While many associate Botox with wrinkle reduction and face fillers, Botox therapy has more uses and can also serve as a treatment to urinary issues. Botox treatments work to relax the urinary tract and bladder muscles to help establish a more consistent response to urges and resolve many symptoms of urinary incontinence.
The Botox works to lessen nerve communication between the bladder muscles and nerves to prevent spasm and strong urges that could lead to accidents. As the muscles relax, the body can work to increase its bladder capacity and control the urges to urinate. With consistent Botox therapy, people with urinary incontinence have the chance to limit accidents and treat their incontinence. Botox therapy does have benefits and risks to consider and consult with your doctor about if you think you are a good candidate for the treatment and have not had luck with other urinary incontinence treatments.