A vasectomy is one of safest and most effective methods of permanent birth control. It is much safer and less expensive than the other most common contraceptive surgery, tubal ligation. At Premier Medical Group Urology Division, vasectomy is a simple 10-minute procedure performed in the doctor’s office using a local anesthetic.

First Thing’s First – Is a Vasectomy for you?

Whatever your reasons, you need to consider many factors.

  • Are you certain you don’t want more children?
  • What if you enter into a new relationship and you both decide you would like children together.
  • Be sure you have no doubts before you choose a vasectomy.

Having a vasectomy is a decision that should be well thought out. It ends your ability to father a child. It’s not a decision one should make under stress. Keep in mind that a vasectomy will not protect a person from sexually transmitted diseases.

There are two types of vasectomies, traditional and scalpel free

Traditional Vasectomy

During a conventional vasectomy, one or two half-inch scrotal incisions are made to gain access to the tubes. These incisions are later closed with sutures, which remain in place for about 5 days until they dissolve or are removed. An anesthetic solution can be injected with a tiny needle to numb the scrotal skin and the vas tubes, or a pressure spray applicator can be used to numb the skin and vas tubes without using any needles.

Scalpel Free Vasectomy

The scalpel free vasectomy is an incision-less approach and is performed in the office in about 10 minutes. A surgical clamp is used to hold the vas deferens while a puncture incision, instead of a cut, is made with special forceps. The forceps then are opened to stretch the skin, making a small hole through which the vas deferens is lifted out, cut, sutured or cauterized, and put back in place. At Premier Medical Group Urology Division we recommend the no-scalpel method because we find it is quicker and minimizes post-operative discomfort and the risk of bleeding and infection.

Post Operation

It’s important to wear an athletic supporter after the procedure. To reduce swelling, use an ice pack on your scrotum. Usually you need to wait 48 hours before bathing and avoid heavy lifting or exercise for at least one week. To relieve any discomfort, Tylenol is recommended; do not take aspirin or ibuprofen. Stay off your feet as much as possible for the first 2 days; lying down is suggested.


After your vasectomy, the portions of the vas tubes within the pelvis still contain live sperm. About 95 percent of men are sperm free after 20 ejaculations and 8 weeks. In 5 percent of men, the semen may still contain some sperm (usually few in number and not active) for months, so it is important to have a semen sample checked and to use other forms of birth control until it is confirmed by microscopic examination that the semen is sperm free.


As with any surgical procedure there are always some risks. These can include bleeding, infection or inflammation. Sometimes a small granuloma, a harmless lump, may develop. In rare cases the vas deferens reconnects itself warranting a routine post-procedure semen analysis. After your surgery, if you experience swelling, increasing pain in the scrotum, black and blue areas, lump, fever, chills, redness, or trouble urinating, call your doctor immediately.

Sex after a vasectomy

A vasectomy does not affect your ability to have sex, erections, or orgasms. It does not change the visual appearance of semen. Nor does a vasectomy cause health problems related to the prostate or heart. Your sex drive will not be affected by a vasectomy. Your hormone levels remain the same.


After vasectomy, it may be possible for the vas ends to be sutured back together and sperm restored to the semen. This doesn’t always work, so vasectomy should be considered permanent. However, within the first 3 years of a vasectomy, reversal restores sperm to the semen in over 97% of cases. Even when the interval between vasectomy and reversal is 15 years or more, the sperm recovery rate remains about 70 percent.

If you and your partner are considering a vasectomy, we urge you visit Premier Medical Group for a consultation. Below are our six convenient Hudson Valley Urology Division locations. Call today to make your appointment!


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