Foot Care: Taking Steps to a Better and Healthier You

As humans, our ability to stand upright sets us apart from many other mammals. The curvature of our lower back, which absorbs shock when we walk, as well as other uniquely human characteristics help us stay mobile and balanced. The ability to stand can ground us in stability, indeed, but age and other factors may also impede us from experiencing the overall health one would desire. 

Our foot care specialists at Premier Medical Group’s Podiatry Division understand that the state of your feet can impact your health. Our doctors are committed to helping patients live healthier and more abundant lives by providing comprehensive foot care through diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. Where treatment is required, podiatrists at Premier Medical provide the most non-invasive treatment options possible based on a patient’s particular situation – his or her medical condition, age, and other important factors. 

What Do Podiatrists Do?

Podiatrists specialize in providing diagnosis and treatment for injuries or diseases affecting the feet. These physicians are skilled at recognising the specific conditions ailing your ankles or feet and are trained to understand how nerves, bones, muscles and the other parts of your lower extremities work together so as to best diagnose and treat abnormalities. 

Your foot is an amazing mechanical structure whose intrinsic design denotes a system at work. Each foot is made up of many small bones – 26 bones in fact – as well as 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is the interconnected work of these structures that result in the support, balance and mobility on which we humans depend so as to go about our everyday life. 

When any of these structures experience strain, damage or disease, patients usually need to see a podiatrist to receive specialized care. This may be surgery or non-invasive treatment options such as physical therapy and stretching, foot and ankle braces, orthotics, massage therapy or laser therapy. 

Foot and Ankle Care Treatment at Premier Medical Group

Our doctors understand the medical nuances of podiatry care and are trained to treat the many ailments that can affect a patient’s feet. These include foot and ankle disorders such as the following:

  • Achilles Tendon
  • Arthritic Foot and Ankle Care
  • Ankle Instability
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Calluses
  • Athletes Foot
  • Bunions
  • Corns
  • Crush Injuries
  • Diabetic Foot Infections
  • Flat Feet
  • Foot Infections
  • Geriatric Foot Care
  • Hammertoes
  • Heel Spurs
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Injuries
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Neuromas
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Poor Circulation
  • Toenail Fungus
  • Warts
  • Wounds

Since individuals who are diagnosed with chronic conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes have an increased risk of developing foot and ankle disorders, doctors at Premier provide a comprehensive approach to help improve the health of such patients. This includes the Premier Medical Group’s Diabetes Self-Management Program, which provides Type 2 Diabetes patients with high-quality education and support. 

Get Back on Your Feet with Premier

The ability to stand upright, move around, and put weight on one’s feet, helps us stay healthy and live abundant lives. Our podiatrists know that being active will improve your overall health and therefore recommend that patients be proactive in sharing their foot care concerns with doctors sooner rather than later since many foot and ankle disorders can threaten your mobility and overall wellness. 

Whether you need acute treatment, rehabilitation, or prevention, let Premier Medical Group help you get back on your feet with better outcomes and personal health. Schedule an appointment with our podiatric team if you have noticed any abnormalities or are otherwise concerned about the health of your feet.

