Join us as we celebrate Men’s Health Month with a series of informative and engaging webinars focused on men’s health and well-being. These webinars are hosted by Dr. Jaspreet Singh, a Urologist from Premier Medical Group, specializing in Men’s Urological Health. From Symptoms to Solutions: Understanding BPH and Urinary Changes Join us for an...Read More
Are bladder symptoms causing you or a loved one to say no to activities you love? – Uncontrollable urges to go to the bathroom – Frequent accidents resulting in wearing pads – Getting up multiple times at night Learn about your treatment options! Join us for a free educational event, hosted by Premier Urologist...Read More
Join us for a FREE Men’s Health Webinar hosted by Dr. Jaspreet Singh Learn about a treatment for erectile dysfunction beyond medication that hundreds of thousands of men have chosen as a way to return to themselves and an active sex life. Also, learn about a treatment for male urinary incontinence beyond pads or diapers...Read More
Join us for a FREE Men’s Health Webinar: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction and Male Incontinence Learn about a treatment for erectile dysfunction beyond medication that hundreds of thousands of men have chosen as a way to return to themselves and an active sex life. Also, learn about a treatment for male...Read More
Please join us on Wednesday, May 5 for an educational webinar discussing Bladder Leakage Treatment Options hosted by Premier Urologist Dr. Jaspreet Singh. DATE: Wednesday, May 5 TIME: 6:00 p.m. For more information, please visit: More
Are these symptoms causing you to say “no” to activities you love? Uncontrollable urges to go to the bathroom Frequent accidents resulting in wearing pads Getting up multiple times at night Find relief today! Join us for a free virtual educational event hosted by Dr. Daniel Katz and learn about options for control. The event...Read More