What’s the difference between a third shot and a booster? Data supports the need for a booster shot According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), recent studies show that over time, after getting vaccinated against COVID-19, the protection against the virus and the ability to fight infection with variants may decrease. The data shows...Read More
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, and talk gradually shifts away from rising cases and focuses instead on the rollout of the recently-approved Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines, the value and importance of immunization cannot be understated. It’s understandably difficult to believe in the middle of the pandemic, but there are still other viruses and acquired...Read More
Nobody wants COVID-19 as an uninvited guest at their Thanksgiving or other holiday feasts. The providers at Premier Medical Group understand the desire for people to celebrate with family and friends. We also know that there are increasing risks of infection, given the high rates being experienced around the country and close to home. So...Read More
Long-term lifestyle changes and specialist support are the keys to losing and maintaining a healthy weight These days, it seems as though we hear constantly about surgery as the solution to weight loss, but realistically not everyone is a candidate for bariatric surgery. That’s one of the many reasons why Premier Medical Group has established our...Read More
The pandemic has created a wave of concern over health and wellness. Here, Premier Medical Group provides some tips on how you can stay well in 2020. As we all know, 2020 has been a difficult year. Between COVID-19 and its ramifications on employment, childcare and homeschooling, and distance from loved ones, staying well is...Read More
Since March, the COVID-19 pandemic altered the way we interact with others in public spaces. Now, in August 2020, there is hope to return to a “new normal.” In our last blog post about the uncertainty around COVID-19 and reopening schools in May, we spoke with Premier Medical Group pediatrician Dr. Kimberly Clare about the...Read More